Multiple transformations of a 1855 botanical book through digitisation
Publication within my research project:
P/E Public & Equitable.
The Printed Book in the Cloudy Mirror of its Discourse
MaHKU, Utrecht Graduate School of Art and Design
pathway Editorial Design
Single edition, 21×29 cm, 140 pages
Vriese, W.H. de (1806-1862), Tuinbouwflora van Nederland en zijne overzeesche bezittingen : bevattende de geschiedenis en afbeeldingen van nieuwe of merkwaardige planten, bloemen, vruchten, mededeelingen omtrent de kultuur in haren geheelen omvang, in betrekking tot Nederland en zijne overzeesche bezittingen / uitg. door W.H. de Vriese, Leyden : A.W. Sythoff, 1855-1856, 3 dl ill 27 cm
“That is why I chose to examine mediated memories at a time of technological and cultural transition: not because digital technology is in any way more conducive to memory than analog technology, but because a state of transformation is better able than a steady state to show how mental, technical, and cultural aspects of memory alter in conjunction.”
José van Dijck
(J. van Dijck, Mediated Memories in the Digital Age, 2007)