Jetzt / Now
Time Travel, Tracks in the Making
Publication for the 5th International Art Festival, Magdeburg
German and English, 17 x 24 cm, 128pp, full color, paperback, 2005
Essays Galina Brieger, Kathrin Hero, Femke Lutgerink, Karl Schlögel, Astrid Vorstermans
Editors Astrid Vorstermans, Femke Lutgerink
Design Luna Maurer
Publisher Valiz, Amsterdam

Literary contribution
“Jetzt/Now explores the meanings of the concept of ’time travel’ through different texts and images and presents all of the participating artists. It includes an essay by the German historian Karl Schlögel and a literary contribution from Kathrin Hero.
The traditional catalogue is interspersed with her essay that describes the process of book making. The text flows through the book independent of it’s editorial content with a timeline that moves backwards. The process is brought into a narrative form and written from the perspective of the book itself, that – expressing thoughts and emotions like a human character – interacts with everyone involved with the project.”