Proper 3d objects and furniture
Concept, design, content and implementation Kathrin Hero
Texts Anke Viersma
Interior and furniture design firm in Amsterdam.

A portrait for breakfast
Design Kathrin Hero
In the course of one year photographer Jasper Groen posts a daily portrait on this website. The focus is on kids and young people, usually with a fashionable attitude, lifestyle or special talent. Most of them are spotted whilst walking in the streets.
I helped Jasper design a logo and website for this project, and an explanatory card Jasper gives to the youngsters he meets.

Sasja Janssen poet and writer
Concept, design and implementation Kathrin Hero
Texts Sasja Janssen
Photography (books) Kathrin Hero
Sasja Janssen (1968) is poet and writer of novels and van romans and short stories. Uitgeverij Querido publishes her beautiful little volumes of poetry.
Concept, content, design
Implementation Platzhalter
Photography Gaspare Honegger, Kathrin Hero
From Ahorn and Akazie via Goldregen and Schwarzdorn to Zwetschge and Zypresse.
Holzzeit, Franz Hero’s wood sculptures portfolio gives insight in the broad variety of the natural material.

Simone Bennett filmmaker/artist
Design and content
It was a great pleasure to assist my friend Simone with setting up and customizing her Tumblr blog.

team form ag
Concept, design, content Kathrin Hero
Implementation Platzhalter
New webdesign about renown Swiss furniture design company’s history.

Tot zover Jij en Ik
Digital and physical monument
Concept, design, content Kathrin Hero, Marije ten Brink (Brinka)
Implementation Inovia
Production Museum Tot Zover, Amsterdam
The monument Tot Zover Jij & Ik is made for relatives and friends (me – ik) of a deceased person (you – jij). With uploaded photo’s and texts visitors create together a dynamic memorial.